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Diploma for Ship and Port Agents

Ship and Port Agents training will provide the participants with the knowledge and skills required to provide a vital role within the overall supply chain and operate in a highly competitive market place for their services.

The increasing complexity of the sector requires well-trained and highly educated people to enter the profession. Rapid change in the supply chain requires exciting agents to engage in CPD and ensure they stay on top of their profession. The course includes a thorough examination of the modern agent’s role, the different services required and provided, core commercial skills, legal issues for Agents, and the latest contemporary issues in the sector.

Today’s successful ship and port agents have to:
• Respond to customer and supply chain processes which have become vastly more agile and globally spread
• Delivered a wider, varied and complex set of services, in a more competitive market
• Posses vast knowledge and be ready to respond and “roll up their sleeves” to get tasks completed
• Understand the needs of owners, shipbrokers, charterers, cargo owners and cargo receivers
• Dorm close client partnerships based on expertise and proven professionalism
• Progress from traditional port Agents who merely provide local knowledge and physical presence in a port

Good agents now need to provide a complete package of support and assistance with supply chain services to ensure a smooth connection of vessel and cargo from prior to arrival until after departure- with solutions for customers that combines the right people, the right services and at the right cost.

On completion of all modules been studied, and up on passing all assessments, you will be issued a certificate referencing the qualification gained with recognition from the awarding academic body.

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